If you want a comprehensive list of how to access every race, check out Total War’s FAQ page and scroll to find the Ownership Guide. It should be noted that you don’t need the base game to buy a DLC and gain access to a corresponding race - Vampire Coast is playable without owning the Warhammer 2, for instance. Want to play as the Vampire Coast? Well, you’ll need to buy Warhammer 2’s Curse Of The Vampire Coast add-on.

Buying the first Total War: Warhammer, for example, nets you with the Greenskins, Dwarfs, and more, and DLC works in much the same way. Purchasing the other Total War games or DLC will grant you access to their corresponding races. If you only own Warhammer 3, you’ll have access to the base races and lords that were available at launch, like the Daemons of Chaos.